Rachel’s ART THERAPY SPACE / basement styling

Hi Rachel,

You get your own webpage! :)

To support you in getting started, I invite you to take a moment to pause. Close your eyes and bring your focus inward. Connect with your breath without trying to change it. You may wish to set an intention for what you would like to accomplish during our work together and spend a few moments focusing on that intention. Stay in this focused state for as long as you’d like. When you feel ready, open your eyes and begin.

Because you are desiring accountability, I encourage you to complete this part of the process by Oct 2.

We’ll then schedule a zoom call to go over next steps.

Take Deep Breaths + Have Fun with the Process!

PaRT I - connect, envision, create

  1. Please grab a notebook and camera/phone.

  2. Take time to BE in the basement space for at least 20-30 minutes. Try your hardest to make this quiet, uninterrupted time.

    • Sit or stand in the middle of the space. Take a few moments to take some deep breaths, bring your focus inward, and calm your mind.

    • Consciously connect with the energy fo the space. How does the energy feel? How do you want the energy to feel?

    • Envision what you hope to see happening in that space.

    • When you feel ready, walk around the space. What part of the space feels like your art therapy area? Which wall/side/portion of the space do you envision yourself leading therapy most successfully?

    • If you feel inspired, make some art in that space that represents your intention! Place the art where you envision yourself connecting with clients and working.

  3. Write down any thoughts or ideas that come to you after making, walking around, feeling, and being in the space.

  4. Take pictures of the space from multiple angles, capturing each wall and portion of the space as well as the whole, general space (or as much as possible).

  5. Text or email the pictures to me. 617.794.2117 / sara@sarahiris.com

  6. Please make sure to note in the text which picture feels like your art therapy space. If you have thoughts about the other portions, please include those ideas, too. You just need to include a short phrase or sentence so I get a sense of your hopes for each portion of the space.


  1. Walk through the space and look carefully at ALL the objects.

    • Is there anything there that no longer serves your family?

    • Anything that you could give away or use elsewhere? Less stuff = easier organization and rearranging :).

  2. While looking through the objects, pull aside the items (desk, chair, art therapy supplies, etc.) that you would like to utilize in your art therapy “office.”

  3. Note any items you feel you need to acquire to complete your art therapy space (desk, chair, screens, etc.).

  4. If feeling motivated, start sorting and organizing - placing toys together, paintings together, etc.

As always, I hope this is a useful and joy-filled process! Please send/ask/add anything else you feel would be helpful to the process!

In Partnership,


Based in Albuquerque, NM
Working Worldwide.
Mindful. Artful. Personal.
© 2024 Sara Webb Hiris

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